Vodenje Predstavništva Evropske komisije v Sloveniji je s 16. aprilom 2021 prevzela dr. Jerneja Jug Jerše.
Dr. Jerneja Jug Jerše je ekonomski študij po pridobljeni diplomi ljubljanske Ekonomske fakultete (1999) nadaljevala z magisterijem iz evropskih ekonomskih študij na College of Europe v Bruggeu (2001) ter ga nadgradila z doktoratom iz ekonomskih znanosti Univerze v Nottinghamu (2006).
Večino izkušenj v svoji karieri je pridobila v Bruslju. Pred prevzemom vodenja Predstavništva je vodila enoto v Generalnem direktoratu za podporo strukturnim reformam (DG REFORM), pristojno za upravljanje prihodkov in javnih financ. Od leta 2016 je bila na Službi za podporo strukturnim reformam (SRSS) zadolžena za koordinacijski mehanizem za tehnično pomoč, kot pomočnica vodje enote pa je bila odgovorna tudi za evalvacijo ter TAIEX. Od leta 2018 je koordinirala tudi tehnično pomoč Sloveniji.
Med letoma 2013 in 2016 je delovala v Generalnem direktoratu za gospodarske in finančne zadeve (DG ECFIN), kjer se je ukvarjala s poglabljanjem ekonomske in monetarne unije, medinstitucionalnimi zadevami ter z odnosi z mednarodnimi organizacijami (OECD, IMF). Med letoma 2005 in 2013 je na Generalnem direktoratu za notranji trg (DG MARKT) delala na področju poslovnih storitev in avtorskega prava.
Pred odhodom v Bruselj je bila asistentka na Univerzi v Nottinghamu, krajše obdobje tudi pripravnica na Evropski komisiji in Svetovni trgovinski organizaciji ter nižja svetovalka na Ministrstvu za okolje in prostor v Ljubljani.
Dr. Jerneja Jug Jerše govori tekoče slovensko, angleško, francosko in italijansko ter pogovorno hrvaško, nemško in špansko.
Evropska komisija ima v vseh 27 državah članicah EU predstavništva, ki skrbijo za obveščanje medijev in javnosti o politikah EU ter Komisiji poročajo o pomembnih dogodkih v državi.
Povežite se z nami

Narodnost: |
Akademska izobrazba: |
(Velika Britanija)
Bruges (Belgija)
(Slovenija) |
Delovne izkušnje v evropskih institucijah: |
management –Generalni direktorat za strukturne reforme (DG REFORM)
za koordinacijo – Služba za podporo strukturnim reformam (SRSS)
ekonomsko monetarne unije – Generalni direktorat za ekonomske in finančne zadeve (DG ECFIN)
notranji trg (DG MARKT)
trg (DG MARKT)
Generalni direktorat za okolje (DG ENV) |
Delovne izkušnje pred priključitvijo evropskim institucijam: |
ekonomski fakulteti Univerze v Nottinghamu (Velika Britanija)
Jeziki: |
On 16 April 2021 dr. Jerneja Jug Jerše took over the position of the Head of Commission Representation in Slovenia.
Dr. Jerneja Jug Jerše obtained a BSc from the Faculty of Eonomics in Ljubljana (1999) and continued her European economic masters studies at the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium (MA, 2001) and she obtained the doctor’s degree in economic sciences at the University of Nottingham, the UK (PhD, 2006).
She has gathered most of her working experience in Brussels at the European Commission. Before her nomination as the Head of the Representation, she was heading the Unit for Public Financial Management and Revenue Administration at Directorate General for Structural Reforms. Since 2016 she was in charge of the coordination mechanism for technical support at the Structural Reform Support Service (SRSS) and as a Deputy Head of Unit she was responsible for evaluation and TAIEX. Since 2018 she was also a country coordinator for Slovenia.
Between 2013 and 2016 she was working at the Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs, where she was dealing with the deepening of the Economic and Monetary Union, inter-institutional coordination and with the international organisations (OECD, IMF). Between the years 2005 and 2013 she was working at the Directorate General for Internal Market, first in the area of copyright and later on business services.
Before going to Brussels she was in 2002-2005 a graduate teaching assistant at the University of Nottingham, the UK, and for shorter periods a trainee at the European Commission, the World Trade Organisation and a junior consultant at the Ministry for environment and spatial planning in Ljubljana.
Dr. Jerneja Jug Jerše is fluent in Slovenian, English, French and Italian and she can communicate in Croatian, German and Spanish.
European Commission has EU Representations in all 27 Member States, which take care of informing the media and general public about EU policies and they report to the Commission about important events in the country.
Nationality: | Slovene |
Academic qualifications: |
(United Kingdom)
(Slovenia) |
Professional experience in the European Institutions: |
Financial Management – Directorate General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM)
Unit – Coordination Unit – Structural Reform Support Service (SRSS)
Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN)
Directorate-General for Internal Market (DG MARKT)
Internal Market (DG MARKT)
General for Environment (DG ENV) |
Professional experience before joining the European Institutions: |
Economics, University of Nottingham (United Kingdom)
Planning and Energy (Slovenia) |
Language Skills: |